Saturday, October 20, 2018

University activities: Kolej Aminuddin Baki, UKM com night (民华之夜)2018

Hello everybody, Ah Wong is back again... Today I am going to share something regarding to my activities that had been done by my residiential college...

In UKM, definitely each of the residential colleges will conduct some activities to foster the relationship among the juniors as well as seniors. Same goes to the Chinese community in each of the residential colleges, they will try their level of best to create a strong bonding among us, Chinese, the largest minority group in UKM. In fact, it is true that this bonding is important for us as we, the juniors can get to know more about our seniors as well as being able to get help from seniors regarding of the particular course problems... Therefore, these activities have their other side of benefits for us in the long run besides of having fun and enjoying there...

Without further ado, I will share some of the photos of that yesterday's activity here...
On roughly 6:45pm we all took bus to a restaurant where we would do our sketch.
These are the photos of that restaurant (top floor). This restaurant has 2 floors, the bottom one is a common place for patrons to enjoy their meals, while the top one is for multipurpose event one...

These were a few photos of our dinner...

After a while, my teammate and I got called to do some acting (sketch). We were the 2nd group of performing the sketch.

Guess what I was acting? I was acting as a rich and pervert boss in that sketch.
The Com King of this year.

My team got the best sketch award, in the residential college.

Singing hokkien songs aloud.

Alright that's all for today sharing in this blog post. I hope you guys enjoy reading this blog post. Be sure to follow me on google and my blogger. See you guys in the next time, bye...

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