Saturday, October 6, 2018

Hanging out: Having dinner with a company of coursemates and kolej friends.

Hello everybody! Ah Wong is back again... Hanging out with friends is an enjoyment, it is hardly enough for us to find a group of friends which are free and able to tolerate and adapt to each other's free time... This week I am not going back home, so I really can make use this golden opportunity to foster friendship among my fellow course mates and kolej friends and me. Yesterday and today we went there to have our dinner. The only cheapest way to reach to our destination is by commuting MRT feeder bus to the town centre (Kajang).

Kajang, a town in Selangor State, is the nearest town to my campus. It is being renowned for its satay which is known as "Sate Kajang"...
Sate Kajang

The must go place in Kajang (source: Malaysia
We, however, didn't have our dinner there as most of my friends said the satays there are expensive, RM0.98 per stick of satay. Yesterday we, gang of boys have our dinner at 60's Teochew Restaurant. That restaurant's signature dishes are Mee Pok, Teochew porridge and Tau-foo far.
Teochew fish porridge
The next day, which is today, we went again to Kajang town. This time we have more people travelled there as some of the girls in our kolej also joined with us to have dinner there. We had our dinner at... Where ah? I forgot already... The only thing I know is the price that I paid was RM12.00 per person. Overall, the dishes there were nice but they were all very small in size and expensive.
Here are a few of photos and videos of today's dinner...

Alright, that's all for today's sharing... I hope you guys enjoy reading my blog post. Tqvm.

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