Tuesday, October 9, 2018

University actitivities: First time attending for a concert in University

Hello everybody! Ah Wong is back again... Today I'm going to talk about concert in University. Usually, this kind of concert is conducted by a group of students who has the passion in composing songs and performing dances.

Well, yesterday I have attended for New Tune intro night live performance (which is also known as 21th Concert of Chinese Songs Creation organized by New Tune.). New Tune Music Workshop is a modern music body of UKM to act as a medium to encourage UKM students to create own lyrics of songs and enhancing music creation quality among the university students. The theme for this live performance is "Time" as it wants to convey a message regarding to our life and cherish the time we have with our closest ones... I forgot to mention that their live performance not only limited to singing and dancing, but also got a short drama performance there...

So, here are a few of photos of that day New Tune live performance...

Although I'm not that keen on singing or composing songs, but I was really enjoyed listening and watching their performance.

That's all for today blog post sharing. I hope you like my blogger and subscribe to my blogger, tqvm...

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