Monday, January 13, 2020

Recap my 2nd year 1st sem's degree life in UKM

“Time flies, a semester had just ended in a flash…”

Hello everybody, Ah Wong the noob blogger is here again to update blog post. It has been a long time for me not updating my blog as last few months, I was busying with my hectic 2nd year 1st semester Accounting studies. Well, today’s topic is regarding of recap of my previous semester (2nd Year 1st Semester of Accounting degree).

This blogpost will be divided into 3 main topics of my 2nd year 1st semester life, which are my general life and academic life of that semester as well as what I had done as my pastime activities during that semester. Without further ado, let’s begin with these topics.

My general life in (Semester 3) 2nd year 1st semester

To begin with, I could say that my previous semester life is too dull and boring as I didn’t join any activity or event in the campus (UKM). This is owing to I had very heavy academic subjects to be coped with in that semester as compared to my 1st year's studies, which in turns making me reluctant to spare time to participate any university event. For an instance, I did have 8 subjects to prepared for examinations as well as 8 assignments or group assignments to be accomplish in that semester. This is totally “absurd” of me to survive in that semester as the workload was about 2 times than previous semester (previous semesters I only had about 3-4 subjects’ assignments to be done) and 4 major accounting subjects to cope with some more. Nonetheless, I am glad that I survive through this hectic and dull semester after looking back at how I managed to cope with all these subjects in the semester.

My academic life in (Semester 3) 2nd year 1st semester

Moving on to my academic life, I could again say it was hectic life in previous semester. This is because of many of the assignments were related to accounting majors in greater depth than previous one semester. Taking Accounting Information System (AIS) subject’s group assignment as an example, I could remember vividly how tough was the to be done in the last semester. It demanded us to seek for 3 months financial reports and transaction from any sector of the business in order to use an accounting software to analyse the business performances. Indeed, it was a tough time for us to obtain any info from the companies as they did also reluctant to give up so many info. Perhaps, from what we conceived was that most of the company not willing to share out most of the info of transaction as they scared the students or anyone to abuse this company’s secret info to the rival companies. Luckily, my groupmates and I managed to have some financial transaction and statement from my Puchong friend’s family shop to do our group project. I was very thankful of the shop owner as he believed us of not simply abusing the info given from him. In short, I was very fortunate to be able to obtain info for my group assignment in a short time and most importantly I appreciate that I had cooperative teammates in doing group assignments in ease.

This is my AIS group assignment's video presentation which is uploaded on YouTube. It may seemingly a bit crappy, by the way XDD...

My pastime activity in that semester

Basically, my pastime activity is mainly about leisure activity. I usually walking around in the campus since the day I had entered the campus. For example, last semester I did the same routine by waking up in the early morning to go for a jog too. In fact, jogging in the morning enabled us to breathe in fresh air and giving us some morning vibes in order to carry on a day tasks with positivity. That is why I usually go for morning walk as it could stimulate more positive thoughts in our mind and indirectly increasing the ability to absorb more knowledge from the books. However, last semester I managed to find a junior morning walk member who occasionally joined with me to go for morning walk in the campus. I glad that there were still someone who was also like to morning walk as very few or none of the people in the campus did so (most of them just study 24/7 for the whole day, from what I had assumed). Therefore, although my life in the previous semester consider too dull and boring, but there was still a favourite pastime activity done by me to boost my motivation in study.

View more morning walk pictures taken by me down here…
A series of random photo of sceneries taken by me when I had morning walk with morning walk "kaki" (member)

As a random anonymous saying goes: "Everything in life is temporary. So, if things are going well, enjoy it because it won't last forever. And if things are going bad, don't worry. It can't last forever either." The tough times will soon be gone when you are keep focusing on doing your job without over thinking about it. Everything just goes with the flow… Once again, I managed to survive through this hectic semester. The end.

In the end of this blog post, let me show you all my first ever vlog on YouTube. It is regarding of my morning walk journey from UKM Bangi main campus to Bangi Lama (which is also known as Old Bangi). Enjoy watching it...

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