Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Life of first half Semester 4 (2nd year, 2nd Semester) under coronavirus outbreak RMO thoughts

Hello everybody! Ah Wong is back again… Today I am going to share about these few days of mine under Movement Control 14 days amid of Coronavirus outbreak getting worsening (My outstanding semester 4 in university experience). Coronavirus has landed us to live with fear, as more and more people are getting infected with the virus recently… Besides, although it was originated from China, but its spreading speed is as fast you couldn’t conceive, just in less than 2 months it had spread across almost every corner in the globe. According to the data provided by World o meter, thenumbers of people who are infected with COVID-19 (alternative name ofCoronavirus) was at 382,814 cases and the death toll was at 16,578 and Numberof patients recovered from virus was at 102,522 by 23rd March 2020. Meanwhile, as we can trace from the countries’ record on the virus at that website, Italy has the second highest number of people infected with COVID-19 after China as the people didn’t realise about the social distancing concept once the COVID-19 landed in the nation. Meanwhile, in Malaysia, the situation is getting out of control when those who had infected with virus while travelling abroad still going for the mass praying conducted as mosques. This obviously would make the virus spread faster and leading to our government to quickly find some measure to curb this virus from outgrowing. Thus, there we go with this Movement restriction period from 18/3/2020 till 31/3/2020. (P/S: due to this lockdown, my Uni has been bring forward a week of mid semester break from 30/3-5/4 to 23/3-29/3.)

This movement restriction called by government had a primary intention to minimize the interaction of the people in which indirectly will make this virus outspread even worse. We should be grateful already, as there are the other countries practising social distancing longer period than us in Malaysia. For instances, China, Italy, Spain and South Korea had been practising this social distancing method to curb outspread of virus earlier than us as these countries are having the highest number of diagnosed on virus. However, in these 14 days, we are still able to buy groceries and foods outside although most of the sectors are closed in these days. Meanwhile, the government had also asked all, regardless, private or public universities to stop all activities related to teaching and curriculum in these 14 days. So, it is quite strange for me to be at home in these couple of days, as everyone is at home and having a “strong holiday” mood even though they (my parents and my elder sister) still have to work from home. For me, it is quite bored to stay at home to do nothing aside from eating, sleeping and showering. Therefore, here go the few things I am doing in these movement restriction days amid of COVID-19 outbreak.

Things I do in these few days:

Reading book

Reading is the best way to act as pastime for me. Usually, I read books related to financial management and world history. Through reading these genres of books, I can get to explore more knowledge which I may and may not know. For example, I’ve recently been reading Robert T. Kiyosaki’s books titled with “Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing” in which this book is disseminating us some knowledge on how to be a sophisticated and inside investor. These investors are required with the a few of investment control among them such as control over income/expense ratios and asset/liability ratios, control over taxes and control when to buy and sell the shares. The exception of the difference is that insider investor is investing through inside of a business, while the sophisticated investor inside from outside the business. Inside investor have exact control power on a business, while outside investor doesn’t have. However, these investors still need these 3 E’s in order to successful which are Education, Excess cash and Experiences. That’s the brief middle part of the book, while the early part was talking on the investor lessons that the writer got from his rich uncle (Rich Dad). 

I could remember a few lessons such as knowing which sides of the quadrant that you wish to be at, and the sophisticated investors will dare to make mistakes and learn from it while the average investors avert from making mistakes. In early and middle part of the book, Robert Kiyosaki often comparing rich dad and his own biological dad - poor dad on how their life looks like, how their perceived on the financial statements and their financial literacy. For instance, in that book, the writer said rich dad were understanding financial statements and knowing how to relate from one to another and knowing how to change a liability into an asset. The asset term in the book is those things that could be used to generate income instead of giving us liability. If you bought a property and you rented it out, that is an asset; if you lived on it instead, you have no income to cover up your expenses on utilities and other taxes on it, so that is a liability. These are just minor part of gist of the book, read more to find it out further. Therefore, from that book, you can refine financial literacy and be financially smart in one day.

Read history related wiki articles

            Undeniably, I’m a fan of history. Prior entering university, I used to read some history articles as my pastime. History is somewhat a best genre of reading material for me as I can get to know more about our ancestors’ did in the long time ago, its cause and effect on this society and what are the lessons that we can obtain from these incidents or stories. My focus on the history is mainly of China and Malay Archipelago histories. From these two different geographic regions, we can slowly relate these places into each other and the nearby regions such as the Sino-centric region (Japan, Korea and Vietnam), Malay Archipelago, South Asia and to Arabian Peninsula as well as Europe. Therefore, I found it was really interesting to understand history from this perceptive of viewing the history.


The entertainment of mine is mainly from YouTube and the memes on Facebook. Since this Restricted Movement Order (RMO) started last few days, I’ve been so bored at home. Thus, apart from reading, I also spared out my time to scroll for the recent memes regarding of COVID-19 that had posted on social media. Memes are the best source of mine to destress too even before the RMO started. It’s a fact of express for the younger generation regarding of the current issues and general news and trend. Meanwhile, I also watch some YouTube videos, and again it’s mostly about the history and minorly about games and science. In fact, I had been eager to find for Plants vs Zombies PC game free full version download link, but I’ve couldn’t find it anyway… So, I gave up on it as playing games will make you to be addicted and wasting time in the end. In short, my entertainment is from memes and YouTube videos in this period of time being apart from reading.

Last but not least, revision.

I did also do a little of revision for my study too. The reason of doing revision in this time being is to refrain me from gradually forgetting what I had learnt before in class. For me, it is not necessarily to overdo the revision, but in fact do it in a little day by day consistently will make you to grasp the knowledge learnt before.

Alright, that’s all about my today blogpost sharing on my Restricted Movement Order 14 days life. Today is just the day 7 of it, it is only half of the restricted movement order days to be home. Obviously, it is quite weird to be at home for 24/7, however, for the public’s health and normal social’s order sakes, it is totally important to do so. As less people gather in the public area will reduce one’s probability to be affected with the virus. So, stay home and work from home or doing some beneficial things at home.

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