Wednesday, October 31, 2018

University lesson: HTML Lesson

(This blog post idea is generated when I am learning HTML in Computer Application class)

Hello everybody! Ah Wong is back again... I am going to share a few example of HTML here... (P/S: I'm here just playing around with the HTML feature.).

For our knowledge, Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications. With Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and JavaScript, it forms a triad of cornerstone technologies for the World Wide Web. So, it is a benefit for you if you grasp with knowledge of HTML as it can help you to create a web content.

Here are a few pictures related to HTML...

The lesson, my lecturer taught us to do simple and basic html code by using windows notepad. Here's the picture of the notepad codes.

After that you can open it on the windows internet explorer, Microsoft edge or Chrome. It will appeared like this...
Actually, I'm not that good in html designing, however as far as I know you can edit the font style, size and colour by using html. Embedding pictures and video are also could be done by using HTML.

Alright, that's all for today's blog post sharing. Please subscribe me on google and my blogger. See you guys in the next time, bye...

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Hanging out: My first time to sleep only in the dawn...

Hello everybody! Ah Wong is back again... Today I'm going to share my yesterday full story for you guys... Lately, I always sleep very late, because of many activities are going on in one time. It makes me almost unable to catch up with the rhythm of life. 

Late night life.

So, lately we, the juniors of Faculty of Economics and Management (Chinese) have our Fac Night sketch practice in the late night. Inevitably, these unofficial and university unrelated activity only to be carry out in the late night so everybody will not be clashing time with the proper lecture classes. Fac night was also a platform for the seniors to get to interact more with us, the juniors. So, I made use this opportunity to perform well and trying my best to recognize and interact with more seniors under the same faculty. Indeed, recognizing more seniors in the same faculty is helpful as we can ask them questions of majoring studies in the next year...

Moving back to my yesterday's story. Last few days sketch practice, we practice until 1 or 2am. It was so agonizing as I will have my lecture class in the next morning of 8am. So, I rushed back to hostel and slept immediately. Unfortunately, Wednesday is my busiest day and usually that sketch practice is until late midnight. I woke up only at 7:55am and I shocked when I got class of Accounting Principles at 8am. Without any hesitation, I just changed my pants and straight away rushed to lecture class without teeth brushed and having breakfast... I just "broke" my record of weird study life routine.

There, I was starving but I got no choice. I tried my level best to pay attention to the lecturer... It was kinda hard, but I managed to survived. Luckily, the lecturer dismissed the class an hour earlier than the time. I got to have my brunch, then continued with my statistics class from 11am till 2pm. After that classes, I finally got a break for myself to do homework. After spending temporary 3 hours of freedom time to do homework, then I had to go to my citra subject class from 5pm until 7pm. However, I got to go back earlier at 5:45pm because I had my swimming competition selection activity from 6pm till 7pm.

Reaching to hostel at almost 8pm, then I again did my homework again until 10 o'clock. That time I had my bureau meeting. In fact, I am not that like meeting to frequently, it was so bored and so time wasting ( wasting my time to do homework). Luckily, the bureau meeting ended before 12am. So, I rushed to meet with my Fac Com members and seniors to start ours sketch practice until roughly 3am... Hectic life. Pathetic.
Biro meeting
Finally, the fac com sketch practice was done. Few of my friends and I went to mamak stall to have a late supper/early breakfast. We had a small talk there and time was flying so fast. It was 5 o'clock. So, we had to go back to sleep already. Today I only woke up at 12:20pm. I was my first time sleep late and waking up late. Next time I try to avoid this bad life routine.
So, as you can see uni life isn't that easy. Please cherish your secondary school and pre-U life prior of entering into uni...

Alright, that's all for today sharing session. I hope you guys enjoy reading this blog. Please do also subscribe me on google and blogger. See you guys in the next time, bye...

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Leisure and Greeneries: Packed uni life...

Hello everybody! Ah Wong is here again... Today I'm gonna talk about very packed university life here. It is out of my expectation that university life is so stressful all in one sudden...
Time flies, but stress is always in our life...

This week is already the 7th week of me studying in university. Day by day, gradually, I felt like more pressure is soon mounted on me... For example, we already have an unfinished group assignment of Accounting principles subject since the first week. Then, added on with another tons of homework and group assignments. Specifically, the subject of Pengantar Pengurusan (Management). That subject seems to be very easy for me at first (because I used to learn management in Form 6) but it is not so that easy... This is because it has a few group assignments and presentations are awaiting for us to complete... Apart of that, the also midterm awaiting for us too... My statistics midterm examination is on the next Wednesday, and I am not so prepared to face it yet... Anyway, fortunately, the other subjects midterm are just begin after the mid sem break. Therefore, it is gradually increasing level of stress in university, while we are gradually 'dying' in the university...
The picture above is my Macroeconomics homework, while the pictures below are my Accounting Principles group assignment.

 Academics lfe is quite stressful already, let alone with the other residential college activities... I was put into Kolej Aminuddin Baki's Entrepreneurship Development Bureau (EDB), it is indeed rather challenging to be part of them. They, (EDB) like to host big events in order to show their capability to be the best bureau among that residential college. Therefore, I once again, felt so pressure to be part of them as they required us to plan and organize each and every of their events in a good manner. I told to myself, I must perform well, I must retain my place in this residential college (that kolej loves to kick those who aren't active in activities one...). Activities in university are so many until you can feel the stress.

However, the only way to relieve stress, for me, is to do sports. Sports is a temporary relieving method for us to forget our stress while maintain our health in pink. The sports I love are jogging and swimming, both are quite relaxing and stress relieving... 

Stress is permanent in our life. It can be reduced by doing some leisure activities or sports. By trying to reducing the stress in life, you will live happily and will likely to have a balanced life...

Alright. That's all for my today's sharing. I hope you guys enjoy reading it. Please do subscribe me on google and my blogger. See you guys in the next time, bye...

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Hanging out: Late night life in Uni

Hello everybody! Ah Wong is back again... Today I'm going to talk about late night life in the campus. Frankly, I am not a night owl person who always staying up late. However, since the day I stepped into University, I have to cope with their late night lifestyle in order to get a lively and sociable life. As you can see yesterday was the latest time I slept... I yesterday only slept at 3am...

Refering to the previous post, we got the com night activities that ended by 11:30pm Friday. Some of the friends of mine claimed that the night is still young for them and asked us to go to hang out at mamak stall (Al-faris, Bangi) once for a while in a semester. Without any hesitation, so I just went with them... Indeed, it was also quite fun to join with them as I could get to chit-chat and had a small talk with them to relieve stress...

Here are a few photos of us there...

Late night is fun, anyway, but don't be too often practising late night life as it is not good for health in the long run...
Alright, that's it for today's blog post. I hope you enjoy reading my blog post. Please do follow to my google and blogger account. See you in the next time, bye.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

University activities: Kolej Aminuddin Baki, UKM com night (民华之夜)2018

Hello everybody, Ah Wong is back again... Today I am going to share something regarding to my activities that had been done by my residiential college...

In UKM, definitely each of the residential colleges will conduct some activities to foster the relationship among the juniors as well as seniors. Same goes to the Chinese community in each of the residential colleges, they will try their level of best to create a strong bonding among us, Chinese, the largest minority group in UKM. In fact, it is true that this bonding is important for us as we, the juniors can get to know more about our seniors as well as being able to get help from seniors regarding of the particular course problems... Therefore, these activities have their other side of benefits for us in the long run besides of having fun and enjoying there...

Without further ado, I will share some of the photos of that yesterday's activity here...
On roughly 6:45pm we all took bus to a restaurant where we would do our sketch.
These are the photos of that restaurant (top floor). This restaurant has 2 floors, the bottom one is a common place for patrons to enjoy their meals, while the top one is for multipurpose event one...

These were a few photos of our dinner...

After a while, my teammate and I got called to do some acting (sketch). We were the 2nd group of performing the sketch.

Guess what I was acting? I was acting as a rich and pervert boss in that sketch.
The Com King of this year.

My team got the best sketch award, in the residential college.

Singing hokkien songs aloud.

Alright that's all for today sharing in this blog post. I hope you guys enjoy reading this blog post. Be sure to follow me on google and my blogger. See you guys in the next time, bye...

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

University activities: Pesta Pantun UKM 2018

Hello everybody! Ah Wong is back again... Today I'm going to talk about Pesta Pantun UKM 2018. There are so many activities on going in UKM. This was the one of the activities that held in UKM...

In fact, I'm actually not really keen on literature stuff (such as poems)... However, since my residential college is a well-known college for being excel in Sports and Cultural activities, so I had to showed up there to give them a support. That participation was important as it is counted as merit points of Staying in the residential college for the next year and onwards...

Here are a few photos of the Pesta Pantun Event. It was held at Pusanika, UKM...

Ok, That's all for today's sharing. I hope you guys enjoy reading my blog post. Pls do follow me on google and my blogger as well... See you guys in the next time...

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Hanging out: Hari Sukan Negara 2018 (National's Sport Day)

Hello everybody! Ah Wong is back again...

Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur is also known as "Kuala Lumpur Sport City" as it offers a wide range of outdoor sports facilities to the public and it homes for 2 large national level stadiums as well as National Aquatic Centre there... 

So, today I used to intend to go to National Aquatic Centre to improvise my swimming techniques as I was taking part in Sukem, swimming category (Sports competition among residential colleges in the University). However, I was going there in the wrong timing. It turned out as that occasion was on going with Hari Sukan Negara event. Thus, the Olympic standard swimming pool is closed for most probably 2 days... Today was considered as an "unproductive" day for me to enhance my swimming skills, but I changed my plan since Hari Sukan Negara event there was still on going.

Hari Sukan Negara, National's Sport Day was officiated and kick started by Former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dato' Sri Najib Tun Razak and The Youth's Ministry in 2015. It is hosted on every year October's 2nd week of Saturday. Moreover, it is carried out every year at the same location, which is Kuala Lumpur Sports City, Bukit Jalil. The main purpose of this annual event is to encourage us, the public to practice a healthy lifestyle by taking part in sports and doing some exercises. 

Used to plan to swim there, but today's swimming pool is closed due to the event is going on.
Later, I blended in with the crowds. Walking here and there to see what was amazing things happened in this huge event. Here are few photos of today's Hari Sukan Negara 2018 event.

I went into the National Stadium as well. In fact, I also didn't know why I went into the stadium, I just followed the crowd went in there. It seemed like a soccer friendly match was going on there...
Dugong Stars vs Football team of Youth Minister, YB Syed Saddiq.

So, even though my original plan didn't work out, but at least I was enjoying there with the crowd to celebrate Hari Sukan Negara...

Alright, that's all for today's blog post. I hope you are enjoying reading my blog post. Please do subscribe to my blogger account and google account. Tqvm... See you in next time.

Friday, October 12, 2018

University activities: Election in the campus

Hello everybody! Ah Wong is back again... Today I'm going to share a blog post regarding to campus elections. I believe each and every of the universities in Malaysia (especially the public ones) will have a group of student representatives whom they pledge to protect ours, the university students' rights in the campus. So, through an election system we can be able to choose the capable candidates as representatives to uphold our university student's right.

Yet, It is my first time to 'cast a vote' even though I'm not yet reach 21 year-old (the minimum age of voting in the general election and by elections). The process was very smooth at that time, as there were less people in queue there for voting. Fortunately, I managed to escape a long queue line which is shown in the picture...
Luckily I casted my vote earlier, if not, I would be in the long queue line already...
So, here's the brief process of voting in the campus. It might be similar to what was happening in the national level general election but the ballots' appearance were not the same. Firstly, you are required to bring your student matric card to the occasion, then there are a few officers will check your matric card and then giving you a ballot to cast a vote. When casting a vote, be sure to give a full 'X' within the box of spaces given (same goes to each and every time of general election and by elections). After that, fold up your ballot and then throw into the particular container. That's it, quite simple...

After finish voting, I go back to my room to relax for a while before going to my citra class. I am kind of lucky as every Thursday for this semester doesn't have morning class. Those who have morning class was cancelled or replaced by another day because of campus election...

Alright, that's all of my today's sharing session. I hope you enjoy reading my blogger, please make sure to subscribe to my blogger and google account as well. See you in the next time. Bye, tqvm.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Hanging out: Celebrating Someone's birthday in University...

Hello everybody, Ah Wong is back again... This is a brief blog post... We at night market had bought some foods for the birthday celebration.

I heard there were 2 persons had their birthday on the same date. So, they hosted a celebration on that day to celebrate for 2 persons' birthday... From this picture, it clearly showed that we have a strong friendship although we just met and recognized each other for just slightly more than a month... Yesterday was indeed a fun day for me, because I was not only going out with friends to night market, but also mingle together with friends to celebrate one's birthday...

That's all for this brief blog post sharing... Feel free to subscribe to my blogger and google +. Tqvm.

Hanging out: UKM also has its own night market.

Hello everybody, Ah Wong is back again... Today's blog post topic is regarding of night market. 

I believe, you all have had heard of night market concept in the Asia region right??? Specifically, in the South East Asia region and East Asia region (eg. Taiwan) as well have their own distinct night market culture. As a Malaysian, I will talk briefly on Malaysia's night market culture. Malaysia's night market culture does have selling a myriad of local delicacies, cheap toys or plushies as well as cheap and fake branding clothes. These hawkers, although, are selling cheap goods but they are in fact be able to earn far more then those who work in the office. This is because they are selling goods and items to a crowd and make a large profit from them. So, I am totally salute to those hawkers of the night market for striving hard to money...

Without further ado, let's talk about UKM's night market... That night market is available at the backdoor of Pusanika UKM every 2nd and 4th week of Wednesday. It is very unique as it is the only university has a night market street. However, this night market is only selling a variety of foods but not the other goods (such as clothes and toys). Still, you can still be able to immerse and enjoy in the vibrant night market environment...

Yesterday, my friends and I went there after we attended for our Microeconomics class replacement in the night. Here are the photos and video of the night market.

Uncle Bob's fried chicken food truck promotion
Coloured Coconut Shake

That's all for this blog post sharing... This night market reminds of a Taiwanese Hokkien Song (Night Market's Life). I hope you guys enjoy reading my blog post... Please do subscribe me on google + and my blogger as well. Tqvm...

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

University actitivities: First time attending for a concert in University

Hello everybody! Ah Wong is back again... Today I'm going to talk about concert in University. Usually, this kind of concert is conducted by a group of students who has the passion in composing songs and performing dances.

Well, yesterday I have attended for New Tune intro night live performance (which is also known as 21th Concert of Chinese Songs Creation organized by New Tune.). New Tune Music Workshop is a modern music body of UKM to act as a medium to encourage UKM students to create own lyrics of songs and enhancing music creation quality among the university students. The theme for this live performance is "Time" as it wants to convey a message regarding to our life and cherish the time we have with our closest ones... I forgot to mention that their live performance not only limited to singing and dancing, but also got a short drama performance there...

So, here are a few of photos of that day New Tune live performance...

Although I'm not that keen on singing or composing songs, but I was really enjoyed listening and watching their performance.

That's all for today blog post sharing. I hope you like my blogger and subscribe to my blogger, tqvm...