Saturday, September 29, 2018

Hanging out: Hanging out at Petaling Street in KL.

Hello everyone, Ah Wong is back again... Today I just changed my "P" Driving License into Competent Driving License (CDL) at UTC Pudu Central, Kuala Lumpur. This is a new level for me to achieve in my life as I can finally be an official competent driver on the road already...

However, UTC Centre is usually jostled with lots of people as that is an one-stop centre for the people to settle their things with the responsible enforcement and government authorities (eg: Road Transport Department, National Registration Department, National Higher Educational Fund Corporation (PTPTN) and Kuala Lumpur City Council (DBKL)). It was indeed quite bored to be waiting there until my turn to settle things. Therefore, I've made use of this chance to stroll at Petaling Street of KL...

JPJ Kiosk at UTC KL
Petaling Street, is also known as Chee Cheong Kai and Ci Chang Jie in Cantonese and Mandarin Chinese (茨厂街), is the Chinatown in Kuala Lumpur City Centre. Many years ago, it was the place where us, Malaysians especially KL citizens to shop at. Apart from that, the street have had a lot of Chinese selling things there. Nevertheless, as the time goes by, the place is gradually fading its own colors and being replaced with the title of  "migrant street" since there are so many immigrant workers selling things (souvenirs, foods, beverages and sundry items). 

On my road to Petaling Street

Wet Market at Petaling Street
Old Petaling Street and Now.
Here's the video I randomly recorded at Petaling Street.

After strolling at Petaling Street, I returned to UTC to wait for my turn to settle my things, then later I went to Mytown Shopping Mall in Cheras with my UKM course mates...

The next blog post I will be talking about the story at Mytown Shopping Mall... 

Friday, September 28, 2018

University activities: My first time celebrate Mid-Autmn festival in university...

Hello everybody, Ah Wong is back again... After done doing my assignments, I eventually can spare my leisure time to share my story here.

Last four days, it was the day of Mid-Autumn festival 2018 (24/9) and it was on Monday indeed as well. Normally, we as a student will be experiencing "Monday blue". However, thanks to my residential college's seniors for planning this small celebration of Mid-Autumn with juniors to relieve ourselves from academic stresses.

According to Shuoshuokong website (说说控), Mid-Autumn Festival, which is also known as Zhong Qiu Jie (中秋节), is celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar. It is a time for family members and loved ones to congregate and enjoy the full moon - an auspicious symbol of abundance, harmony and luck. Adults will usually indulge in fragrant mooncakes of many varieties with a good cup of piping hot Chinese tea, while the little ones run around with their brightly-lit lanterns.

Here are the photos of the event. They hosted the small event at the 2nd floor of lecture hall in Faculty of Social Science and Humanities of UKM.

Strolled in my friend's room before going to the venue.

Yummy! Got mooncakes, snacks and drink.

The seniors of my residential college.
It was been a long time for me not to celebrate this occasion in that way, as I was getting bored and lazy to celebrate this occasion when I grow up year by year. However, I would say this is the best timing to enjoy it as the days after that day is going to be full with stresses.

民华 (representing Chinese community in Kolej Aminuddin Baki) seniors and juniors
In the midst of the end of this celebration, our seniors distributed to us paper lanterns. Indeed, these paper lanterns are known as the important part of Mid Autumn festival. We all got ours lantern, then we were busy taking photos the lanterns...

KAB gang.
Then, we lit up ours lanterns and brought it to walk along to the hostel. Carrying lantern for a walk at night was our childhood memory... Unfortunately, this culture has been fading year by year with the technological advancement... That's why the children nowadays rarely do this in the mid-autumn celebration.

So, that's all for this blog post sharing... Please do subscribe me as well for my blogger and my google account. Thank you very much...

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Orientation week: Having a lunch with Vice Chancellor of UKM

Hello everybody! Ah Wong is back again... On the second day of the orientation days in UKM, UKM vice chancellor paid his visit to residential college where I lived, Kolej Aminuddin Baki. So, that time I make use of my chance to get his attention (because he is the "big shot" of UKM). Fortunately... He threw us a question on the stage...

"Does anyone here has tried to make the videos for many times?"

I recalled back last time I've paid many efforts to do the videos, so I immediately raised up my hand. Then, he asked me to go in front to interact with him.

Indeed, that was my first time to talk face to face with the "big shot" of UKM. I was overwhelmed with anxiety since there were so many watched me interacting with vice chancellor, the important figure in university. Albeit of this, I've able to control my emotion and give a talk in peace... In the end, he invited me to go over his office to have lunch with him...

Me on the stage with Vice Chancellor of UKM.
On the next day, I had arrived to Chancellery building, it is the place of the vice chancellor's office at... I was not alone there as there were 7 other freshmen who got invited to have lunch there. Alright, here are few pictures and videos taken and recorded on that day...

Walking towards the meeting room to wait for Vice Chancellor

The meal provided there was simple (fried rice with shrimps, fruits and syrup) but it was still tasty and edible (LOL)...

I found out that vice chancellor, Prof. Tan Sri Dato' Seri Noor Azlan Ghazali used to be a former MBA lecturer in UKM as well as He is one of the Malaysian's economists who involved in planning of Malaysia's future road...

Walking into his office
He got his Phd. at Havard University...

So, it was a good time to interact with Vice Chancellor of UKM, as he had gave us motivation to further our study there and telling us about the real university life, where life in university isn't all about the academics but it is also about learning new skills and building up network with people. It was my pleasure to get to know more about this important figure of my university, that day's memory, I will remembered vividly in the future.

Alright, so that's all about this blog post. Thank for reading fully this blog post. Tqvm.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Orientation week: Orientation days in UKM

Hello everybody, Ah Wong is back again to share with you guys about first few days of my life in university. 

Many people had said before the orientation days in public university is torturing as the seniors may let us play some extreme games and may treat us badly. However, the different thing is that this year the seniors were behaved differently than what the others had said before... They were friendly towards us and let us play games which will indirectly break the ice among us, the freshmen as well as seniors. One thing I liked the most was the seniors willing to let us go back to hostel to sleep earlier. That are few things had changed compared to the last few year orientations in UKM. So, that's why the called this year orientation as "Minggu Mesra Mahassiswa". which brings the meaning of giving a good treatment to the freshmen, while breaking the ice and creating a good chemical bonding among us...

My student card in UKM...

Exploring Faculty of Economics and Management of UKM
That few days were fun... Indeed, UKM gave us to choose the domain activities to be done, so I've picked some of them such as Entrepreneurship domain, Sports domain, Leisure and greenery domain and Innovation domain. These few domain, I liked the most is the entrepreneurship domain as it gave me to unleash many ideas that are possible to kickstart a micro business in UKM. My teammate and I had tried our best to generate ideas to start a business in UKM. We intended to sell stationery specifically the pens there... Unfortunately, the panels of this domain activity didn't choose our idea among the other 79 groups as the groups which can help the particular suppliers to sell their products or begin to create and sell own products. Still, it was a good start for us to get in touch with the entrepreneurship and pitching skill (to sell products)...

Aktiviti Domain Keusahawanan

Going to play basketball...
Apart from that, the domain activity which I disliked the most is the Innovation domain. This is because their event planning was not that good as the other domain activities were planned. All you need to do there were sitting there and listen to the talk, indeed it is quite boring and lame, for me... However, I think on the bright side, this is the chance I can get to make new friends... So, I've just sitting there busy chit-chatting with the other people, instead of listening to the talk. It seems like, the expectation was differ than the reality. I though the innovation activities will be like creating something new just like in entrepreneurship activities, but it didn't. It is only talking about the intellectual properties right and techno entrepreneurship there... So, I don't really like that domain activity of the orientation days...

Then, I got a chance to interact with the "boss" of UKM, the vice chancellor. This I will be cover for the next blog post. Oh yah, the last day we got our "sworn-in" and "perang dg" ceremony at Dewan Gemilang. The "sworn-in" ceremony is still the same, but it was done outdoor as the main hall of Dewan Tun Abdul Razak (Dectar) was currently still under renovation. Therefore, same goes to the "perang" thing, it was unusual compared to the last few years. Traditionally, the "perang" was conducted at Dewan Tun Abdul Razak (Dectar) and they must shout the slogan until the next day 2 or 3 am... Fortunately, we only did our Perang Dg from roughly 9pm till 11pm... Very lucky for us, this batch 2018/2019 juniors.

Last day of MMM (orientation)

These orientation days, I've able to make new friends there (either with same level juniors or the seniors) and also I could get accustomed with the life in UKM. It was totally fun and interactive with them... 

That's all from my sharing of this blog post... Bye.

Orientation week: Days before entering into Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (The National University of Malaysia)

More than 3 weeks ago, I've leveled up in terms of my education level... Once I stepped my foot into UKM, I'm officially an undergraduate as well as an UKM student. This is the 2nd choice of mine, Business Administration (which also can changed to Accounting course in the 2nd year) UKM, in the UPU list (Selection of public university intake) and fortunately I've got my selection of it even though it wasn't my first choice (my first choice is Accounting Course in Universiti Malaya).

In fact, I was over the moon at the time... However, there were lots of things need to be prepared in order to enter into a public university. There are few documents for us, the freshmen to fill up and go for certify true copy. For example, we need to fill up the health report that provided by UKM itself as well as get certify true copy of our latest academic transcripts and upload it onto it's intake website. So, there were still lots of paperwork preparation prior of enterting into university.
Kolej Aminuddin Baki, UKM. One of the residential colleges in UKM

Besides, UKM is an outstanding ("Luar Biasa") university. Thus, it will ask their freshmen to do things to thank and appreciate its kindness of giving us, the freshmen an opportunity to further our studies. The two things UKM asked us to do were make an appreciation video and two videos with 2 different alumni. At the first glance of receiving this information, I was shocked and perplexed on how to get this things done. This is because of I'm not good in speaking confidently in front of the camera. I've used to try to make videos many times but I failed it (because either I was nervous or forgetting my script at that time). As a saying goes, "Failure is the mother of sucess.", I was determined to get these videos done and eventually the works were done fine, for me... I was been NG for more than 5 times for each videos, but they I've managed to get them done eventually... Hence, it can be said that failure doesn't deter you from success in the long run so long as you never give up.

Here are my videos on YouTube...
My appreciation video

UKM Alumnus 1

UKM Alumnus 2

Apart from that, we were asked to pay for the registration fee for our university. This fee had included with the university's orientation fee already (Orientation days experiences I will share on the next blog post). That fee was at RM1200 which was lower than those in the private universities. Obviously, every public universities' education fees are cheaper than the ones of private university. Therefore, I'm really cherish for this opportunity given to me to further my study in UKM. 

After settled these things, it was the time to wait for UKM intake day on 2nd of September... The next blog post I'll talk brief experiences about the orientation days in UKM...