Tuesday, November 27, 2018

University academics: Econhunt 2018

Hello everybody! Ah Wong is back again. University subjects' academics assessment are usually done in examinations and individual or group assignments. Indeed, I believe we may seldom hear of the teaching subject in University opt to use treasure hunt as an academic assessment for the undergraduate students. That's really an innovation of the university's teaching style.

On last week Wednesday, Econhunt was going on at Faculty of Economics and Management of UKM. There was joustled with numerous different set of macroeconomies classes of students whom the students were included with international students. Also, the atmosphere there was so vibrant and dazzling as many people were there chit-chatting while waiting for the activity to begin. I arrived the venue by 1pm after finishing Statistics class with few of my friends. And so, the event registration was began there just few minutes after I arrived there.

Upon finishing registration, I was asked to find and gather all my teammate of Econhunt 2018 by the respective committee of Econhunt. Also, in a meantime, the committee member also assigned someone to be the leader of the group. Unfortunately, I was selected as the leader of my team (team 10) as I was the earliest to settle down myself according to the group sitting. Aiya... No choice lah, I just did my best there...

A lecture room can also be as a clue...

In fact, the responsibility of mine was rather high at that time as I was struggling to ensure all of the members of the team able to search for the questions' clues in a limited time. Normally I don't look at this kind of fun alike treasure hunt seriously, but at that day I took it very seriously as it was accounted for 20% of the overall macroeconomics marks. The faculty's dean had said on the launching of the Econhunt event that this event was to let students to gain knowledge from innovative teaching style rather than from the "dry" teaching style. So, it was the innovative learning process and it was act as "bonus marks" for us, thus, we must take it seriously.

Video of the

There were 20 questions assigned for each of the teams to solve there. However, we were required to garner for each of clues of the questions first by using the HP scanner app. Therefore, we have to wander throughout the campus just to find for the clues by using the scanning app. Then, once we are finishing getting each question's clue, we have to selfie or take photo with the place... Here are few photos of my teammates and me there...

I also took a ride of my teammate's motor to search for the clues.. After searching for clues, we must answer the 20 questions and then handing in the questions to the respective responsible person who were in charged.

Alright, that's all for today's blog post. I hope you are enjoy reading my blog post. Please do subscribe to my google and blogger account. See you guys next time, bye.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

University activities: Going for Pesta Tanglung of Kolej Tun Hussein Onn, UKM

Hello everybody! Ah Wong is back again... Today I'm going to share my story of KTHO (Kolej Tun Hussein Onn) Pesta Tanglung event here.

I believe each and every of the residential colleges has their own Chinese club which is representing the presence of Chinese group in the residential college. However, the only difference is that only my residential college's (Kolej Aminuddin Baki) Chinese club is being as unofficial in UKM. The difference of official and unofficial kolej's Chinese club is that the official one needs to do a large event for other Chinese clubs as well as other people to go for while unofficial one is just do events for their own members only, so it is less stress compared to the official one.

Yesterday was my first time to attend Kolej Tun Hussein Onn's event. I was really admiring the ability of Kolej Tun Hussein Onn Chinese club to hold an event as it was able to attract a joustle of people and big shot of UKM (Deputy Vice Chancellor) to attend for their event. Besides, there had also a few of local street foods for us the audience to enjoy with. I saw a majority of people there enjoy having their char kuey teow as their dinner. Apart from that, there were also had a few game stations for us to play with. There offered a myriad of game rewards for the audience to play the games. However unfortunately I didn't play the games there... Here are the photos of the event there...
Group photo of the Kolej Tun Hussein Onn's crews and important figures

There were lots of interesting performance... For example, lion dance, 24 Chinese drum perforamce, street dance and Si-Chuan Mask performance were performed there. For me, I found that the Si-Chuan Mask performance is the most interesting one as the performer was able to change to multiply masks in a flash. Here were the photos and short clips of the performance there... Besides of that, there was also a lucky draw session by drawing mysterious gifts from a combination of numbers on our tickets. Unfortunately, none of my friends and I get the present from the lucky draw. Neither me nor them are so lucky, the lucky ones were the others...

I went to this event is just relieving myself from academic stresses and the following day of this event is public holiday, so it was a perfect timing to go there to relax myself.

Alright, that's all for my today's blog post sharing. I hope you guys enjoy reading my blog post lah... Please do subscribe to my blogger and google account. See you guys in the next time, bye.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

University activity: Looking back to EDB minggu keusahawanan

Hello everybody! Ah Wong is back again. After all these tiring days of minggu keusahawanan, finally I am able to write something here again.

For our knowledge, Minggu Keusahawanan Kolej Aminuddin Baki is deemed as the mega activity of the Entreprenuership Development Bureau (EDB) in the residential college. I'm actually quite fortunate to be taking part in this activity as it had given me a chance to get working experience and enriching my university life.

In fact, we, the biro keusahawanan members had been sacrificing our mid term holiday to go back here to set up for that event and ensuring everything in that event was perfect. Those sacrifices were totally worth it as we get to learn and experience something new when we were working with each other. Although we wouldn't be the perfect one in working, but at least we had all out to give the best. Here are a few of photo of the perkampung week before minggu keusahwanan.

Chinese gang in the biro

Meanwhile, I was assigned with the post of technical and logistics on that few days. It was seemed as relaxing job at the first glance, however, it wouldn't as that post required us to move here and there as well carrying this and that frequently. Besides, few weeks before the event, my biro's felo even asked us to draw a plan properly in order to able catering all the stalls in that place. Drawing and designing a plan wasn't the easy job as that place has lots of obstacles such as rock chairs and tables which obstructing our the set up of the canopies. I felt so fortunate to have a few of members of helping in designing the plan at that time (actually I was struggled at first as I couldn't do it by myself alone). On top of that, that post had given me a chance to play with the public address (PA) and audio system which is seemed to be rather challenging and difficult to utilise it in the occasion. So, eventually I assumed it as the platform for us to learn more about audio and PA system management in an event. Also, there were lots of things for us to learn from that post.
Drawing plan of the event (not my drawing)
 Setting up of the event...

The food stalls view from the PA system counter:

Besides of that, I had poured lots of money in this Minggu Keusahawan. On that few days, there were lots of mouth-watering street foods and delicacies to be sold to us. Obviously, it was not absent with our biro keusahawanan stall. Our stall were selling some appealing yet common street foods such as maggi murtabak, sweet corn cup, skewed fishball and nuggets as well as "air asam boi". Those foods that I mentioned just now were my dinner for these few days. Albeit of being so unhealthy for eating these foods so much, but I had at least contributed my support and income to the bureau.The more income the bureau gets, the more money we can use for member bonding purposes. The other stalls also got their nice delicacies such as the Bro Inovasi one's "roti sausage" and Biro Hal Ehwal Alumni dan Antarabangsa (Hela)'s spiral fried potatoes. Both of them were the ones I liked the most among the food stall there. Thus, because of the dazzling and tasty foods were there, I've spend lots of money on that day.

Alright, that's all of my sharing... I may not be the perfect in doing work, but still I'm still learning new things and gain experience from the bureau. This event has given me a lot of opportunity to gain experience which we barely can obtain from the academics. I used to be a bookworm who loves to study 24/7 and living in my own world. This disillusion has became a reality when I stepped into university, I felt that university is like a smaller version of society where we all are living together in order to achieve our own goals respectively in life. So, I think I want to mingle and blend in with the majority...

Oh ya please follow me on google and my blogger as well. See you guys in the nest time, bye...

Thursday, November 8, 2018

University activities: one of the earliest persons to go back to university in the holiday.

Hello everybody! Ah Wong is back again. Today I'm going to share my thought of being one of the earliest persons to go back to university. The environment there is totally so deserted... Even lots of eateries or cafeteria also closed or either opened later a bit...

Empty cafeteria...

The previous blog post I've mentioned that my holiday is very short. It is true, I came back there got my purpose one... I was, in fact, forced to come back to help my residential college's bureau to do things like setting up for the upcoming event.  Fortunately, I was not alone, a few friends of mine were also came back there early. So, basically, I'm not that absolutely bored there...

Today's the first day of pre-event preparation days. We held a brief meeting to know what we are doing later from today until Sunday. After finish preparation, we all were assigned with task to be completed . However, we, the post (Logistics and Technical) had been done our job very fast as that post is only busy when on the last day setting up canopies for the event. Thus, my teammates and I were relaxing there and making use of time to do homework until the "boss" (FELO of the biro) to assign to us another things to do...

So... Ya... That's basically my today experience in a deserted environment residential college... My mid term break has gone like that only...

Alright, that's all for today's blog post. Please do also subscribe to my google and blogger accounts. See you guys in the next time...

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Hanging out: My very short mid term break

Hello everybody! Ah Wong is back again... Mid term break for me is just a "recharging" period for us, the students to finish doing assignments, study for mid term tests and enjoy life. However, not everyone being able to enjoy their full mid term break as some of them has universities or residential colleges activities to do (including me as well)... I am going back to university 4 days earlier than others in order to step up my residential college event activity.

Therefore, these few days the only thing I can do besides of revision is working out. I have had worked out for a year until I went to university. University life is so packed until I got almost no time to train my muscles. Indeed, it is a good time to workout when I reached to my home...

Usually, I go to workout with 2 of my friends whom they are also the "Gym-kakis". It was them who motivated me to lose weight... Let me tell you ah, I used to weigh 92kg in August 2017. However, now I'm weighed to around 78kg only... If they didn't ask me to join them to workout together, I think I'm still an overweight guy.

It is our routine to gather at chasat before heading to the gym. Yet, we usually order the Cantonese poached chicken rice (白斩鸡饭)from a chicken rice stall in the chasat. We purposely had chicken rice as our meal because chicken contains of protein which is good in buiding muscle. Besides, that chasat is also the place for us to chit chat about matter of our recent life or about domestic and international politics. Personally, I prefer to hang out in cheap eateries place such as hawker center, chasat, kopitiam or medan selera because it is more similarly representing to our people's life (亲民).

After that, we went to gym to workout. Typically, I followed their workout schedule because I lazy to plan for my own workout schedule. Since we had the same workout schedule, so we can guide each other in working out. It ended up they guide me more than I guide them as I am noob in gym who keep using wrong techniques to workout. Lol! It's okay... It is a learning process... At least, I am able to lose more than 10kg weight... I can say that gym is better than in UKM one as it is air-conditioned and equipped with modern gym facilities. However, it is expensive way lots than in UKM one as its entrance fee for non-member is RM8 per entry and student member price is RM85 (not included with one time member card price, RM50). Meanwhile, UKM one is only RM20 per year for the UKM gym members.

My mid term break, for this year, is shorter than the others... At least, I make use this timing to do the beneficial things...

Alright, that's all of my today's blog post sharing session. Please also subscribe to my google and blogger accounts. See you guys in the next time bye.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

University activities: FEP Fac Night 2018 and the story of Com activities

Hello everybody! Ah Wong is back again... Today I'm going share my story of FEP Fac Night 2018. What is Fac Night? Fac Night is actually an event that help juniors and seniors mingle together and get to know each other well. It is basically an activity done by the Chinese in UKM since Chinese UKM is considered as largest group of minority race in UKM.

Last few days of sketch practising

Story time...
In the first day, my reaction of when I got to know the existence of Fac Night was so nuisance. Why must have this kind of activity to be done? Isn't it in university purely studying is enough already right? Those were my first thought when I was asked to join this activity...

In UKM FEP Chinese group, it is divided into 5 different coms which are Com AD, Com BH, Com CE, Com FG, Com LZ. I got selected into Com AD after an interview session done by the seniors. That time I also didn't know why I was selected into this Com as well... At first, I was indifferent to these kind of activities as that time I thought that "Study is the only most important thing in university". The thing I used to hate in this Chinese group was that we, juniors need to get signatures from Seniors. Some seniors also reluctant to give us a signature. I was so fed up that time, I think that group is useless for me. My thought is changed when seniors and my course mates told me that joining them I would have textbooks from seniors as well as get to ask for help when we want to do majoring in the 2nd year. Then, I was ok with it.

After all this, I'm really all in the group activities such as sketch practice for the Fac Night event on 1st of November 2018 (Last two days from today). The sketch practice was only not that easy as we were that lack of ideas in plot sketching and acting. Furthermore, some of us are too busy until unable to attend for the sketch practice on every late night. These late night practices were also very tiring as we tomorrow would have to attend for lecture classes. I remembered a few times we practice the sketch until the next day 3am, this had made me to wake up late and late to attend for lecture. However, let's think on the bright side, at least that time we got to interact with each other while practising for the sketch. Side note: Some seniors also helped us to buy supper on that time too...

Fast forward to the Fac Night event, our efforts had been paid off. We were all out in the drama performance although we might not be the best. That day, I was able to capture lots of pictures as a memory in my mind. Here are a few of photos that I got from Fac Night 2018...

Com AD group photo after drama acting.
The direct line.

KAB gang
It was nice to meet new people in University. Recognizing people is important in university as it may help you in the future when you someone to ask or to do reference.

Alright, that's all for my blog post sharing session. Please be sure to follow me on google and blogger. See you guys in the next time, bye...