Thursday, November 8, 2018

University activities: one of the earliest persons to go back to university in the holiday.

Hello everybody! Ah Wong is back again. Today I'm going to share my thought of being one of the earliest persons to go back to university. The environment there is totally so deserted... Even lots of eateries or cafeteria also closed or either opened later a bit...

Empty cafeteria...

The previous blog post I've mentioned that my holiday is very short. It is true, I came back there got my purpose one... I was, in fact, forced to come back to help my residential college's bureau to do things like setting up for the upcoming event.  Fortunately, I was not alone, a few friends of mine were also came back there early. So, basically, I'm not that absolutely bored there...

Today's the first day of pre-event preparation days. We held a brief meeting to know what we are doing later from today until Sunday. After finish preparation, we all were assigned with task to be completed . However, we, the post (Logistics and Technical) had been done our job very fast as that post is only busy when on the last day setting up canopies for the event. Thus, my teammates and I were relaxing there and making use of time to do homework until the "boss" (FELO of the biro) to assign to us another things to do...

So... Ya... That's basically my today experience in a deserted environment residential college... My mid term break has gone like that only...

Alright, that's all for today's blog post. Please do also subscribe to my google and blogger accounts. See you guys in the next time...

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