Sunday, December 16, 2018

Leisure and Greeneries: Morning walk in UKM

Hello everybody, Ah Wong is back again... It has been a long time for me to not morning walk in the UKM main campus already. The National University of Malaysia (UKM) is known as an university in the forest. Therefore, I had made use of my leisure time to wander around in the UKM, especially the forest part.

There are two times I morning walk in the woods of UKM in this week. Last few days, I started this "journey" from my residential college, Kolej Aminuddin Baki and went to PERMATAPintar (Foundation School of UKM) via the shortcut of "Rumah Tumbuh-tumbuhan". Here are a few picture there...

Meanwhile, I started my my today's morning walk route from Kolej Keris Mas. I intend to start my "journey" from there because I wanna try different road to reach there. However, the two pathway seemed to be isolated and deserted as the former one was an agricultural research site, while the latter one was a forest road. At first, I feel rather scare to go alone to there, however I eventually able to brave up myself to go through these both pathways. Seriously, internal motivation will let you to be more focused on attaining your targets in academics, in daily life as well as in working life. I have learned something new through morning walk.

This part is today's story already
Upon reaching to PERMATAPintar, I rested there for a while and continued my journey to the further destination. Today's morning walk session is the longest distance of me walking ever in UKM. I walked until an Institution of UKM which is known as Institute of Systems Biology (INBiosis). This biology institution is the furthest building from the UKM centre. Here are a few of photos there.

Encountered a group of students in the forest of UKM

Then, I intended to go on my journey to Bangi Old Town via forest route. Unfortunately, the road is blocked at INBiosis as it is part of UKM forestry department area for forestry educational and camping purpose. Those who aren't equipped with those two reasons will likely not allow to get in. Meanwhile, I perceived the gate there wasn't fully locked, it is partially locked. By right, I can get in there and continue my journey, but I didn't do so. This is because that part of road is more isolated then the previous road that reach to INBiosis as well as no one was in there. Here are a few photos there...

Anyways, these two morning walk journey are fun and stress relieving as you can get to relax your mind and immersing yourself in the mother nature. No doubt I was got selected into the right public university...

Alright, that's it for today blog post. I hope you guys enjoy reading it. Please do subscribe to my blogger and google account. See you guys in the next time, bye...

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Universitiy life: Stressing out in the midst of the end of the first semester 2018/2019

Hello everybody! Ah Wong is back again, after a few days. Today I'm going to share with you my life in the end of the first year's first semester. It is the time for me to feel and experience the pressures which are exerting on me already.

It is just left less than two weeks to the study week and less than a month to the finals. Then, some of the subjects' lecturers take the remaining opportunities to give us some workloads to be done. For example, my Management course's lecturer asked us to do group assignment, a report regarding of leadership topics in the syllabus which constituted 10% of the overall marks. It is still fine for me, after I realized the other sets' Management lecturers had decided to ask their students to do a big group project with a huge portion of overall marks (40%) out of the total marks. Moreover, the computer application's lecturer asked us to form a group and then do the access database group assignment which its due date is before the 1st of the January next year, 2019. I am still forced to said it is "ok" for me since it is also a group assignment task. "Not a problem" for me at all... LOL... "I'm speaking the "truth".

What comes the worst are those citra/electives courses' assignments... My citras such as "isu-isu kekeluargaan" and "teknologi maklumat untuk sains social" both have to group assignments. Fortunately, I've managed to finish my part of responsibility fast, if not, I will be succumbed to the stresses and burden of academics...

University life, sometimes, isn't that good as you think.

Alright, that's all of my sharing today. Please do subscribe to my blogger and google account. See you guys in the next time, bye...

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Hanging out: Malaysian Chinese Musuem

Hello everybody! Ah Wong is back again...

After so long time staying in campus, it was time for me to be with family... Today my family and I went to Malaysian Chinese Musuem at Wisma Huazong in Serdang, Selangor. It was nice for me, as I was able to read and recall back our Chinese ancestry history in Malaysia.

Certainly, there required us to pay for an entrance ticket fee before entering into the museum. The museum ticket fee is RM20 for adults, while RM5 is for children and students from all education levels. Here's the picture shows that the price of entrance tickets.

After purchasing so museum ticket we went in the museum, the first part of the museum which we were going to was the early history of Chinese in the South East Asia, Nanyang (南洋). One of the earliest Chinese man reached to Malay Peninsula was Zheng He (郑和), whom he was a diplomat, mariner and fleet admiral of Ming Dynasty of China. His arrival to the then Malay Peninsula had foster a good relationship of Ming Dynasty and Malacca Sultanate. Besides of this, his voyage also made more and more Chinese merchants to do business in Malay Peninsula as well as staying in that region. Those Chinese merchants who were staying in the region tend to marry with the local Malay origin women and later forming a unique descendants in Malaysia known as Baba Nyonya or "Peranakan Cina". The picture below shows the intermarriage of a Sultan from Malacca Sultanate with a princess from China who was known as Hang Li Poh, it is also part of the baba nyonya history.

Intermarrige Malay and Chinese
Apart from that, fast forwarding to the post-opium war history in China. Opium war occurred in China had caused political instability of Manchu Qing dynasty of China in the mid of 19th century. Many Chinese, especially from the south-eastern China provinces of Guangdong and Fujian had opted to migrated to Nanyang (South East Asia, specifically Malaysia and Singapore at that time) to seek for a better life. They whom was most of our Malaysian Chinese ancestors willing to sacrifice anything in order to reach here, Nanyang, Some even sold their sibling or children to Nanyang in order for them to have a better life. However, life at here initially wasn't that good, a lot of Chinese migrants from China at that time were forced to be coolies in order to settle their travelling debt. As soon as many Chinese came in Malaya and Singapore at that time, the bad influence had also bringing in such as Gambling spots and opium stores. Fortunately, they were all disappeared in this era. So, this is a brief story of how the mass migration of Chinese forefathers from China to Nanyang (Malaysia and Singapore) in the 19th century.

Contract of Selling Person to Nanyang

Contract of Selling Person to Nanyang part 2

Opium store's opium addict
On top of that, after many years of our ancestors settling in Nanyang, more and more of them became as businessmen and living peacefully there. The peaceful moment lasted until the tumultuous era which were Japanese Occupation of Malaya and Communist Insurgency in Federated Malaya. These two incidents had caused many casualties of Chinese and the latter ones was increasing the Malays hatred towards Chinese. Fortunately, the establishment of Malaysian Chinese Association at that time proved that not all Chinese were communist and that political party also co-operated with UMNO and MIC to bring the then Federated Malaya towards independence on 31st of August 1957. Then, there were some noticeable Chinese from MCA who were used to be the finance minister in Malaysia who were Tun H.S. Lee and Tun Tan Siew Sin. These two had been involved in making Malaysian its own Ringgit Currency. Chinese in Malaysia had contributed to Malaysia's economy as well as involving in local politics.

Japanese Occupation in Malaya

Communist Insurgency in Federated Malaya

MCA was establish by Tun Tan Cheng Lock

Chinese Political Parties in Malaysia

Singapore state in Malaysia before 8th of August 1965.

RM1 bank note in 1967
After reading through the Chinese ancestry history in Malaysia, I am grateful that we are now we are living peacefully with everything in this nation. They indeed had sacrificed a lot to contribute to the establishment of this nation as well as defending the Chinese well-being as well as benefit here for a long time...

Alright, that's all for today blog post, I hope you are enjoy reading it. Please do subscribe to my google and blogger account as well... See you guys next time, bye.