Sunday, December 9, 2018

Universitiy life: Stressing out in the midst of the end of the first semester 2018/2019

Hello everybody! Ah Wong is back again, after a few days. Today I'm going to share with you my life in the end of the first year's first semester. It is the time for me to feel and experience the pressures which are exerting on me already.

It is just left less than two weeks to the study week and less than a month to the finals. Then, some of the subjects' lecturers take the remaining opportunities to give us some workloads to be done. For example, my Management course's lecturer asked us to do group assignment, a report regarding of leadership topics in the syllabus which constituted 10% of the overall marks. It is still fine for me, after I realized the other sets' Management lecturers had decided to ask their students to do a big group project with a huge portion of overall marks (40%) out of the total marks. Moreover, the computer application's lecturer asked us to form a group and then do the access database group assignment which its due date is before the 1st of the January next year, 2019. I am still forced to said it is "ok" for me since it is also a group assignment task. "Not a problem" for me at all... LOL... "I'm speaking the "truth".

What comes the worst are those citra/electives courses' assignments... My citras such as "isu-isu kekeluargaan" and "teknologi maklumat untuk sains social" both have to group assignments. Fortunately, I've managed to finish my part of responsibility fast, if not, I will be succumbed to the stresses and burden of academics...

University life, sometimes, isn't that good as you think.

Alright, that's all of my sharing today. Please do subscribe to my blogger and google account. See you guys in the next time, bye...

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