Saturday, June 22, 2019

The end of my 1st year study life in University.

In a flash, the time flies very fast (read finish this whole blog post, I have something to express in the end of this blog post).

Hello everybody, Ah Wong is back again...
Year 1 Sem 2, for me, was officially ended by 19th June. That kind of feeling was good as we had managed to pass through tons of assignments and then the final exam of 2nd semester...
My coursemates and I
Upon finishing final exam, my coursemates and I went for "celebration", which was deemed as a tradition for each and every of university students once they had done their final exam. One of the reason I had decided to join them is to act as a "reward" for me after finishing my semester 2 study in first year study. The activities we had done were having lunch at Korean BBQ restaurant, singing in Karaoke room as well as window shopping. However, I've feel that the leisure time to spend with them was passing so fast...

We had our Korean BBQ lunch at somewhere in Ampang, Selangor. This idea was suggested by one of our coursemates who is living nearby there. For me, I am not a fan of Korean cuisine, I could not give so many comment on the foods lah... Basically, it is all about tons of meats and vegetables lah... The meat itself was needed to cook manually by the customers themselves. This is what the Korean cuisine about - meats and vegetables.

After that, we departed to Mytown Shopping Centre at Cochrane, Kuala Lumpur to enjoy our time at Karaoke room. That was a perfect timing for me to show-off my high pitched voice. I had selected a few of songs which require very high pitched voice such as Bee Gees songs of "Staying Alive" and "How Deep Is Your Love". Usually, I could make my voice to be extremely high pitched on par with Barry Gibb, the leading singer of Bee Gees. However, after a long time of practice in my University's dormitory, I've managed to intimate his high pitched voice. ~Ha ha ha ha, staying alive, staying alive, ha ha ha ha, staying aliveeeee ahhhhhhhh~. 

However, I did also got sing the other kind of songs which selected by my other coursemates at that time... Singing in the halfway, some people decided to celebrate birthday for those whom their birthdays were on either June, July or August. My birthday is on 17 July, so me also "kena celebrated" by them. Their intend to bring the birthday celebration earlier to that timing because upon finishing Year 1 Semester 2, we will have a rather long 2 months semester break.

After finish karaoke-ing, then we moved to Sunway Velocity shopping mall to go for window shopping. Nevertheless, I felt that window shopping was kind of boring for me... So, I just found a place and sitting down there waiting them to finish window shopping. Then, we had our brief dinner there and the "celebration" was called the end.

Indeed, the time is passing too fast, we need to cherish every moment of enjoy and leisure in life, once it is over then we couldn't go back in time to find the joy. Hanging out with a gang of peers in University is fun and limited, once you skipped it, you may be regretted many years later.

The end of Year 1 Chapter, this chapter has so many stories in it. Hopefully the next chapter in the university life will be always in positive side.

Monday, April 8, 2019

25th Pesta Ang Pow 2019...

Hello everybody, it's me, Ah Wong again here to update my blog. Today I'm going to share a brief experience of mine in 25th of Pesta Ang Pow 2019 (Pesta Ang Pow is one of the largest Chinese event in UKM). The night dinner was on 9th of March at Dectar, UKM. It has been a month ago story already...

This year's pesta ang pow night dinner theme was based on "δΉ‘" (Hometown). It had expressed the importance of preserving each and every of our own roots of Chinese dialect culture culture. There were various booths which were describing and depicting each of the Chinese dialect culture in a bid of deepening the visitors' understanding of their own Chinese dialect culture.

Then, its dishes were from 5 major Chinese culture groups as well. There were consist of 8 dishes in this night dinner at Dectar (Dewan Chancellor Tun Abdul Razak), UKM mainly from Min Nan Hokkien, Teochew, Cantonese, Hakka and Foochow Chinese. Unfortunately, I was working as a normal working committee (AJK, Ahli Jawatankuasa) there, so I couldn't taste the delicacies lah...

Nevertheless, I am cherished that I was just being a normal working committee of that event. As compared to the Executive committees, working committees' workloads and responsibilities are lesser than the former ones. Working committee just have to assist the Excos to do their job only...

Oh yeah, I almost forgotten to mention that our Malaysian current Transportation Minister YB Anthony Loke who is also an Alumnus of UKM had also presented there. He had managed to spare out his time to mingle with us, UKM Students in Dectar and gave a speech there which drew cheers and applauds from the crowds there...

Last but not least, it also had made a Chinese dialect singing competition a month before the event too. This singing competition was made to remind us that the usage of Chinese Dialects were fading day by day, therefore it was the time to uphold that spirit of gradually using Chinese Dialect in our daily life ocassionally. I had participated in that competition too, however, I didn't manage to get the first till the third place lah... In short, this year's Pesta Ang Pow night dinner was all about the hometown and Chinese Dialects cultures.

Here are a few of the photos that I had taken in Dewan Cancelor Tun Abdul Razak on 9th of March 2019.

Setting up before the event starts.

Photos of the event was going on...

When Transportation Minister was giving speech...

The decorations at Dectar on that day.

My friend and I

Alright, that's all for my sharing today. I hope you are enjoying reading my blog post. Please do subscribe to me on this blogger account. Tqvm, see you guys in the next time, bye.

Monday, March 11, 2019

EDB 2 day 1 night trip to Bukit Fraser and Bukit Tinggi. (23/2/19 - 24/2/19)

Hello everybody! It's me, Ah Wong here again to update my blog account. It's been a long time to no update my university life here, therefore here I'm to update my university life once again in the next semester of Year 1 Sem 2. 

Well, each of the bureaus in the residential college of Aminuddin Baki will definitely spare some precious time to let their members to mingle and bond with each other. Therefore, in today's blog post, I'm going to share my experience in this trip with the members of Entrepreneurship Development Bureau (EDB).

On 23rd of February, we had departed to our first destination of our trip - Bukit Fraser in the morning. Along the way there were many beautiful and breath taking sceneries to be looked at especially along the road going up to Fraser Hill (Bukit Fraser). After going through some windy and wandering road, we were glad that we had finally arrived to Bukit Fraser. As we all know about that, Bukit Fraser used to be a resting and leisure place for the Britain armies during the colonial era. So, there were many remnants of the British heritage on top of the mountains (pictures are shown below this paragraph).

The bureau members

In fact, there weren't much place to go there except the lush green and breath taking sceneries to be gazed at. I had spend much of my time up there to relax my mind and get ridding of academic burdens temporarily. Apart from sparing some time to relax, I did also accompany with the other members to have a walk around the garden there to seek for beautiful scenery to have a photograph.

Here are a few of photos of mine there...

After done touring around there, we then were heading towards Raub, Pahang to stay for a night. Raub is the main town in the Raub District of Pahang. The trip from Bukit Fraser to Raub took almost 2 hours even though Raub is the nearest town to Bukit Fraser. Upon arriving to Raub, we immediately checking into Hotel there first, namely Oyo Agro Raub hotel prior to having dinner there. 
Dinner in Raub, Pahang

On 24th of February, we were in rush of departing from Raub to Bukit Tinggi in the early morning. It took about an hour and a half to reach to the French ville (Perkampungan Perancis) in Bukit Tinggi Berjaya Sompo. The weather at Bukit Tinggi and Bukit Fraser (which I forgot to mention just now)was fairly cooler than on the low land. Still, there are just barely got places to travel there. All places you can visit there are either a tourist spot or a natural site.
Breakfast before departing to Bukit Tinggi, Pahang.

After finish visiting the French Ville, then we reached to our last destination in this trip - Japanese Ville. In fact, Japanese Ville is near to French Ville, but the road from French Ville to Japanese Ville is challenging as the road is wandering and extremely steep. After for about 20 minutes, we had arrived to our destination. The scenery was once again so evergreen and breathtaking up there. Here are a few photos that I had taken up there...

Then, we began to going back to our beloved university, UKM to continue our study. Indeed, this trip is rather enjoying and it enabled me to recharge my "battery" so that I can face more challenges along my study.

Alright, that's all of my sharing today. I hope you all enjoy reading my blog post. Please do subscribe to my blog account ah... See you guys in the next time, bye...

Monday, January 28, 2019

The End of Sem 1, Year 1 (16/1/19)

Hello everybody! It's been a long time for not updating my blog website. Today I'm going to share a brief blog post story regarding of the celebration of the end of year 1's first semester.

Indeed, the time flies... In a flash, we had completed our first semester of university life... It was a sense of relief after finishing final examination in university. Hence, my course mates and I had decided to hangout and having Korean BBQ as dinner meal with each other as a mark of celebration of finishing the finals.

The journey began when we commuted MRT feeder bus from UKM to Stadium Kajang in order to take MRT to our destination, Mytown Shopping Centre at Cheras KL... The picture below was ours wefie, I was asked by someone to do capture a group photo of ours as a memory there.

Then, upon arriving to Mytown, we splited into 2 groups of boys and girls to go for shopping. For me, I didn't follow both groups to go for shopping, I'm just there siting and playing with my smart phone. In the end, I was asked to join the boys to go for shopping, then I just join them since I got nothing to do already there. Let me tell you a thing that I'm actually not that much in favour of shopping, I go to shopping mall just to enjoy breeze of air conditioned there. Mytown is quite big and having so many retail shops, it was so dazzling as there were so many shops offering goods to be sold...

Later, we were heading to Korean BBQ restaurant at C180 Cheras Selatan from Cochrane MRT station. Here's the picture of what we enjoyed on that day 16th of January 2019.

We had order various types of meats. Oh yah, I recalled there were roughly more than 6 types of meats we ordered there... After having dinner halfway, I realized that Korean BBQ cuisine do not offer us rice to consume,  but that was okay, I am able to adapt to any of the other Asian cuisines. Oh yah, that restaurant had also offered the patrons ice creams for free in order to alleviate the cost of dining in there. Alright, I'll give my comment on the Korean BBQ ah, for me it's just like a fancier version of Malaysian's Satay culture lah... The price of that meal was also exorbitantly expensive than the normal price range of my dinner meal outside of my home. It cost RM25 per person average of 13 persons.

After that, we hangout at The Alley's bubble tea retail shop. This is the last photo of ours in this outing...

It was indeed causing my wallet to lost lots of money by hanging out with a gang of friends. However, once in a while, it was totally worth it as I got to build a stronger friendship with them whilst enjoying myself after finishing my final examination. 

Alright, that's all for today's blog post. I hope you are enjoy reading my blog post. Please do subscribe to my blog account and google+ account. You may as well read my first blog account's blog posts by clickling the link right here. See you guys in the next time, bye.